Monday 5 March 2012

Topsy Turvy


‘One More Disney Day’ has been and gone – it was extremely busy. I finished work at 10pm, and since the monorail from EPCOT to Magic Kingdom stopped at 10pm, I had to catch the bus back to our apartments then onto Magic Kingdom. By the time I reached MK it was 11:15pm and it was packed. I haven’t seen it that busy before (seeing as I haven’t worked here in the Summer yet), lines for rides were ridiculous and to see Mickey and Minnie it was a 90min wait. First I met up with a friend to say good bye as she was leaving early the next morning, watched the Electrical Parade at midnight and then went to the Dance Party at the front of the castle. There we found more friends and danced for a while there. Later I found out that some disappeared, I contacted one of them to find out he was in line to see Flynn Rider – off I went. He had found some friends there too, so we kind of cheated and cut the line a bit. By the end of it I had waited 2.5 hours and the girls who were there before us had waited a total of 4 hours! Flynn was very popular. I’m also glad to say I had enough courage to ask if there was anything in Flynn’s satchel, which there was – Rapunzel’s tiara.

Flynn Showing Me the Tiara - whilst Rapunzel points out it has flower on it too

By then it was 5am, so we headed over to Sleepy Hollow for some breakfast, which is where a lot of others had the same idea. They didn’t get their breakfast until 5:45am! I sat with them as they ate and by the time they had finished the park was closed – we had made it till 6am! That day I literally slept majority of the day. Friday I went to Animal Kingdom where I was finally able to meet up with Brittany! She had been to the park before so knew what was good, what times to go etc so that was definitely helpful! I also finally got to go on the Safari, we went once in the middle of the day and the next at 5pm (park close) where we saw a lot more animals out and about. After Animal Kingdom we went over to Hollywood Studios to watch Fantasmic since I hadn’t seen it yet, it was amazing! Definitely my favourite.

Yesterday I had my spare shift from 3pm-9:30pm, which I ended up having to ER at 5pm. But during the day I had gotten excited for my travels after the program with one of my friends back home, so I had been looking up tours and things to do in each city we’re visiting. Today marks the first of 4 shifts at Crystal Palace. Ugh. I’m trying to look at this positively, but it’s not working. And the Hub is down so I cannot view my schedule for next week.

127 days until Ben and Hannah get here. And it’s officially been 2 months since I arrived in America.

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