Sunday 11 March 2012

Heffalumps And Woozles (Week Full of Pooh Characters)


I survived my four shifts at Crystal Palace, I do have another shift there on Monday, but thankfully it’s only one shift next week. Crystal Palace – or Crystal Prison some people call it – wasn’t too bad, I mean I had fairly bad expectations of the place so that may have helped on my own perception. I didn’t love it, but it’s definitely not the end of the world if I’m scheduled there. Today marked my last day there for my four days of Hell, in-between those shifts I had my first shift at Contemporary Resort at Chef Mickey’s. Pluto gets to have a little chef hat and an apron, so even Pluto dresses up for the occasion.

Not much has happened work wise this past week, however two roommates were removed from our wellness apartment, which left the biggest room in our apartment available. So, the next day Jen and I got up early to clean it up and move ourselves to the big room. And may I just say: it’s wonderful. We have so much space we don’t know what to do with ourselves! One positive after that fiasco, I was not only excited about our big room, but the fact I now have my bed against a wall. I hated having my bed in the middle of the room; it just got in the way.

This coming week, starting tomorrow, I have breakfast at Polynesian Resort, then Crystal Palace, Character Spot for both Wednesday and Thursday – I’m excited to go back to meet and greets after almost 4 weeks of just dining, and Saturday I’m back at the Polynesian Resort for breakfast again. Not too bad of a week! We also have our first housing inspection on Tuesday, which I have the day off. Don’t particularly want to be here when it happens, so I may try and disappear somewhere. Daylight savings begins tomorrow, yet Spring is not until the 20th March… Yeah makes no sense to me either having Spring on a random day in the month, but that’s how it is here.

That’s all for now!~

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