Saturday 25 February 2012

Ev'rybody Has A Laughing Place


So this past week I’ve been sick, again. I seem to get colds more often here than I did back home, which is annoying. I’ve had the past two days and today off (because I was able to get rid of my Crystal Palace shift!) Everyone said, but think of the money you get doing that shift (since it was 12pm-11:30pm you’d get overtime), but I’d still make hardly any $$, so it wasn’t worth my unhappiness.

The 18th was my first time working at Dinoland with Pluto – who is with another friend at that location – Goofy! I have only ever worked one pairing shift and that was with my friend Eeyore and his friend Tigger, so I was excited to have another shift with pairings. It was a lot of fun and made time go faster than usual. Sunday I was back with Rafiki at his Planet Watch, nothing new there. I wish he was able to go out and about at Oasis again like he used to before I arrived, but unfortunately most of the time he’s stuck at his Planet Watch area. Monday I got to experience an amazing shift that had me go through several emotions. I was with my friend Pluto at Give Kids the World village (for Make a Wish children) down in Kissimmee, for those who don’t know what Give Kids the World is, here’s the website: The village is designed so well, everything is wheelchair height and wheelchair accessible, everything is decorated for the kid’s enjoyment (buildings decorated to look like it’s made out of candy). It’s so well done, it put a smile on my face seeing that there was something like this for these kids to enjoy. Pluto was located outside the theatre where Minnie and Mickey were meeting and greeting, so on most occasions Pluto was the first character they’d get to see! Everyone was excited to see Pluto there, apparently he doesn’t get the opportunity much to visit as there’s usually Mary Poppins there instead. If I get that shift again, I’ll definitely be looking forward to it. Tuesday was another first, my first time at the Garden Grill restaurant at EPCOT with my friend Pluto. I’m not a fan of Character Dining, but I enjoyed it here.

Wednesday was my first day off for this week, Jen and I finally made our way over to Animal Kingdom for our first visit. We weren’t there for long though. That evening I went to the first Speaker Series which was with Cast Members in the Events department of the Walt Disney World/Parks company. Seeing as I have a degree in Event Management and want a full time job with Disney, I had signed up for it and headed over to The Commons where the Speaker Series was held. I had just arrived before it started pouring down with rain and I got to experience my first (and definitely not the last) Florida thunderstorm. Like ours back at home in Brisbane, it didn’t last long. I found the class interesting, but it also made me realise that it definitely is hard for international participants to gain a job with Disney. Luckily I was able to speak to one of the Guest Speakers about it in which she recommended to look into events concerning the Disney Cruise Lines, as that’s an opportunity available for international participants. Yesterday I went to the Outlet Mall yet again, with Lauren and Jen. This time I only bought a few items and didn’t break the bank like last time… We then journeyed over to Walmart for some grocery shopping and I’m happy that they have Cadbury chocolate out for Easter! Granted, it’s a small selection, but it’s there! Also the first sad/strange thing is THEY DO NOT HAVE HOT CROSS BUNS HERE. I may cry about that… And second is that they don’t only give/receive chocolate for Easter, but jelly beans are a part of it. A little odd, but I like jelly beans so no complaints.

Today? I’ve spent the whole day in bed catching up on my TV Shows – Once Upon A Time and The Big Bang Theory. I also remembered a movie my mum hired out from the video store for me when I was a kid, and I actually really enjoyed it – Man In The Moon. I’ve found it on iTunes, so I’ll probably rent it off there to watch at some point. Today I’m really missing my cat – sorry family Luna has overtaken you for today – I’m not sure what brought it on, but I’m really missing her more than usual. I think it’s the fact I was remembering her unusual quirks…

Tomorrow I’m back at work at the Garden Grill again with my friend Pluto, a late start which means a sleep in! Before my horrid Sunday shift where I’m doing a breakfast Character Dining 6:30-12:30, then I’m back there again for 4pm-10pm, THEN Monday I start at 6am, therefore I have to be up at 4am to get the bus to Magic Kingdom. So, I’m not looking forward to that. I’m happy I’m at Magic Kingdom (maybe I’ll get pulled for the Welcome Show!) but Sunday is just annoying how they’ve got me doing a split shift.

Anyway, I’m sure I’ll write about how it goes. Oh, Ben and Hannah: 136 days until I get to see your faces (and I get to sleep in a comfy bed).

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