Saturday 18 February 2012


It’s been a week since my last post; I’m not doing too bad trying to keep this up. Then again, it has only been just over a month. I still have another 11 of me working here.

And I cannot remember what I did on my last two days off… One of them I went to MK for the afternoon with a friend. The other, I cannot remember. Oh well.  Anyway, besides those two days, I’ve just been working. Sunday the 12th I was with my friend Rafiki at Animal Kingdom, Monday I had a spare shift, but was pulled to help Pluto with the opening show – my favourite shift. Sadly Pluto’s other friend (the one who was originally scheduled to work) turned up, so I didn’t get to do anything else besides the Welcome Show. But at least I got to do my favourite part! Did I mention last time that I won’t be getting any shifts with Buzz? I’m a tad disappointed, because I love him, but he is a handful to take care of, so I’m relieved in that part. Tuesday, Valentine’s Day, I had off. I went grocery shopping with friends, and then went to a ‘Girls Only Valentine’s Day’ Party that one of my friends organised. There was so much food! And some of the girls even cooked some goodies, we all got full quickly. I had to leave early because I had an early start the next day, but I still had a great time.

Wednesday I was back at EPCOT Character Spot with my friend Pluto. It was a long day; we had this HUGE tourist group of girls come through. One of our sets was just seeing them (that set went for 40mins!) and when we came back out for our next set, we thought it’d be all over, but no. The other half came. But! To brighten things up, Jen and our roommate Lauren came to visit Pluto and myself. Pluto got extremely excited to see them both and left him overly hyperactive for the rest of our shift – even more so than his usually hyperactive self. Afterwards I met up with the girls and we headed home so I could shower, then we headed to the AMC Dine-In theatres to see The Vow. It was sad, I didn’t cry – I got teary – but didn’t cry. It also had the dumbest ending ever.

Yesterday Lauren, Jen and myself went to MK for the day, character hunting for the characters to sign their vinylmations. That literally took up our whole day. Now, today I’m at home relaxing. I should work out a day to go to Animal Kingdom, seeing as that’s the only park I’ve yet to visit as a guest; maybe on my next two days off next week.

I’m not looking forward to one of my shifts next week. I’m with my friend Eeyore at Crystal Palace. Crystal Palace is a restaurant that has so many seats that it’s hard for Eeyore to get between them – he’s not the smallest character out there. I’m actually trying to give that shift away, but so far no luck (everyone dislikes Crystal Palace).

Anyway, that’s it for now. I will now leave you with my new countdown for when my brother arrives – 143 days!

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