Sunday 8 April 2012

Happy Working Song


Last Monday (2nd) I had a shift with Pluto at Flagpole, Town Square at Magic Kingdom. My favourite place, in case I haven’t said it enough. However, this was my first time there in this humidity. Before I had only been there in Jan/Feb so it was still hot as you’re directly in the sun the whole day, but the humidity put it on a whole new level. It sort of make it harder to breathe in a way, it feels like you’re breathing in water at the same time… if that makes any sense at all. I then had my two days off and did absolutely nothing. Except for a last minute decision with Lauren on Wednesday to go see the new ‘Snow White’ film Mirror Mirror. I’m glad we decided to go; I enjoyed it and had a few laughs.

Thursday I had my first shift at Visa at EPCOT, which was easy and honestly, a tad boring. I think I’m used to the fast paced environments that it was just… You don’t get many people there; it’s only guests who have the Disney Visa credit card thing. So a lot of the time you’re just standing around waiting. At least in the Visa shift you take on lunch coverage at Character Spot and we had to go back there at 6:20pm, after our Visa shift to do the evening cover.

Yesterday, Friday, I was back at the Contemporary Resort for yet another dining shift at Chef Mickey’s. Pluto seemed to be annoyed with his apron last night; somehow it managed to untie almost every set. Puppies don’t particularly like to dress up all the time I suppose. I actually really enjoyed my shift last night; we were also lucky and got dessert, which was very kind. Their cheesecake is pretty delicious.

That now brings me to today. Again, I’m back at Contemporary for dinner, same with tomorrow. I’m actually there a lot. The 7th, 8th, 11th and 14th, however the 13th I have my first shift at Tomorrowland’s Dance Party where you get to see some characters dance all night long in their Tomorrowland themed outfits. Hopefully it’ll be fun, but I’m sure Pluto will be tired by the end of it! Monday I’m at Crystal Palace, not too happy about that, but at least it’s just the one shift. Our schedules for the week beginning the 15th come out this afternoon, hopefully I get some Flagpole shifts!

Oh and I also rang the International Recruiting Office the other day to ask to see if I could stay in Entertainment for the whole year. The person I spoke to said no, that my Visa requires me to have multiple roles, which can’t be all that true if I know of several Australians who have stayed in the one location/role for the full length of their program. I think I’ll give them another ring sometime this week to ask about that, I really would like to stay where I am, especially for the holiday seasons! And I also want to try my hand at parades, but we’ll see I suppose.

That’s all for now, nothing too exciting. Not long until I get to see The Lion King musical again and next Saturday I’m going to see Titanic in 3D, which I’m excited for also. It’s one of my favourite films and I’m seeing it on the day the Titanic sank, 100 years ago!

93 days left until I see my brother!

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