Friday 20 April 2012

Give A Little Whistle

Morning! (Well only just)

Quite a few things have happened since my last entry, one being pretty exciting (for me anyway). But I’ll get to that eventually; I’ll try and remember things in order.

Nothing really happened on the 8th and the 9th, just working. Tuesday was my usual day off and I attended a movement class to get a score for my movement to hopefully get me at least into parade orientation. Wednesday I went to a face audition so see how they differ to the fur character auditions (the one I went to on Tuesday was an audition, like the one CPs go through when auditioning for character performers, I just went to get a movement score), let me just say that they are not fun. At least I somewhat enjoyed myself on the first one, but standing in a line… I’ll pass. I then had work that afternoon at, you guessed it, Contemporary.

Thursday the 12th was my second day off, which was lucky since Britt’s days off are usually Thursday and Fridays, so we met up at EPCOT and I was able to go on majority of the attractions I had never been on before. That was the morning, we had to get a fastpass for Soarin’, which at 9:30am the passes were valid at 2:40pm. They go quickly! But luckily we got some passes. We then went over to browse through the World Showcase, then back to Soarin’ as our fastpasses were valid. For dinner we went over to Beaches and Cream at the Beach Club Resort, which is right beside EPCOT, it’s set out like a 50s diner. Afterwards we went back and chose our spot to wait and watch Illuminations.

That now brings me to Friday – TOMORROWLAND DANCE PARTY. I will tell you now, when people say you’ll get exhausted, they are definitely not lying. The first few sets Pluto was doing fine, dressed in his space outfit, but after/during the third set I think you could tell exhaustion had set in, and there was still 2 more sets! But after a very short break, the 4th and 5th sets were easy. I’m not going to lie; the dance party is chaotic with kids running everywhere, people pulling on Pluto left right and centre. Thank goodness Pluto and his friends had great attendants that night.

Saturday – Titanic 3D! Lauren and I went early so we could get tickets, and we were hoping to get some Toms we both liked, but unfortunately the shop down at Downtown Disney had none left on the pattern we like. So we explored some, and then headed back to the cinema. I loved seeing it in 3D and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys the film. I then had work that afternoon at (surprise) Contemporary. The same story as Sunday, Contemporary, Monday 16 was Crystal Palace, which thankfully went fast.

This past Tuesday I FINALLY sent the gifts I have had since January/February sitting in my closet. I was surprised how much cheaper it was to send the two boxes, I was expecting a lot more, almost double of what I paid. So that was a bonus. Lauren and I then went to Sweet Tomatoes – my first time there. It’s basically an all you can eat buffet, with amazing strawberry lemonade (lemonade here is what we’d call homemade lemonade back home in Australia, lemonade in Australia is what we call Sprite). In the car on the way back to our apartment we started talking about the Disney cruise and I found out that Lauren had really wanted to go on one whilst she was here. Unfortunately her program ends on the 3rd of May, but then she thought that she could fly back down to go on the cruise. Still, at this point it was just talk not really set in stone that we’re were going to go on a cruise. However two hours later we had booked a 5 night Bahamas Disney cruise on the Disney Magic. We actually couldn’t believe we had done this, but at the same time ecstatic. It was one of the big things I wanted to do whilst on my program, and thankfully I’m able to do that! And with a person I know I’ll enjoy my holiday with. So, on the 9th of May we set sail! Short notice, but less of a wait at the same time! Lauren flies back down on the 8th and we’re staying at the Royal Room at the Port Orleans Riverside, jump on the coach that takes us to Port Canaveral. AND I get to go to Key West – another place I wanted to visit whilst here, many people have told me it’s beautiful and that I should see it. So now I am!

If anyone’s interested the link below will take you to see the itinerary (the one I’m going on is the second one, Disney Magic itinerary A)

Yesterday afternoon Lauren, Jen and I went and volunteered with Disney’s VoluntEARS at the Give Kids the World Village. It was Village Idol night, which ended up being so much fun. It was very coincidental as the first group of kids were three sisters, there was three of us, so we put our hand up and they were our buddies for the night. The youngest was 3 years old and in the piece of paper we received that gave us information on any dietary needs (as we would have dinner that night with them) and any other comments. One comment was ‘the youngest is afraid of adults’. At first I was like ‘okay that’s fine’ I obviously still forget I’m an adult now. But Lauren, being Lauren, I knew would be able to befriend the youngest and it did happen. I was out playing miniature golf with the middle child and I look up seeing Lauren holding hands with the little one. It was precious. And might I just add, that miniature golf course can be terrifying. Dinosaurs spray water at you, and one comes to life. After playing we all gathered up and headed over with everyone else to the Gingerbread house where dinner is served.

As we were eating the Major and his wife Miss Mary (two giant bunnies) came to visit the kids. Unfortunately the youngest was petrified of them. The moment they came to our table she jumped from her chair straight into Lauren’s lap. Thankfully Lauren was able to take her away until the bunnies had made their rounds. The other two girls loved them though, so that was great. After dinner it was time for village idol where the kids perform whatever they want, if they want to. The eldest and the middle child were going to do an Irish dance, whilst the youngest sat on Lauren’s lap to watch the show. The two girls were amazing. For a 6 and 9 year old it was fantastic! Many people came up and congratulated them at the end for their great performance. After the show it was time for the parents to pick up their kids. The girls parents continuously said thank you and were surprised that the youngest had warmed up to us, especially Lauren. So that was great, we all had an amazing time. One other girl stood out in everyone’s minds as well during that show, a little girl who sang Beyonce’s Single Ladies, it was adorable.

And that’s everything updated with now! A long post, but I did have a fair bit going on, especially in the last couple of days! 81 days until I see my brother, it’ll be exactly two months when I set sail on the cruise until I see him.

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