Monday 2 January 2012

When Will My Life Begin


Christmas has been and gone, as has the New Year celebrations. Everyone goes back to work (or University in my brother’s case) tomorrow, except me! Well, and mum. She gets the pleasure of being in my company all day. I’m sure she’s secretly pleased. I leave one Wednesday, which is 2 sleeps and 1 day away, and time has flown by – I’m glad! I’m ready to start this new chapter in my life (as corny as that sounds), it’s sure to be an exciting one.

I’ve packed – well I initially packed a few days ago so I wouldn’t wear clothes I’m taking with me, and finally finished packing today. Minus two items – phone charger and my backpack mum made me. You watch I’ll forget these, or at least the phone charger. My bag is over the limit (limit = 23kgs) at 23.8, a whole 0.8 over according to our little bag/suitcase scale thing. If it’s correct I hope the airline doesn’t charge me for excess luggage weight. I’m sure a 0.8 they’d let slide…I hope anyway. Or maybe my scales are just over estimating for me so I don’t add anything else to my bag. I’m currently trying to find what’s in LAX for us to do in our stop over, Jen’s suggested a manicure and pedicure and that doesn’t sound like a bad idea. It sucks we’re kind of restricted to the airport in a way, we can’t really go anywhere lugging out suitcases around with us since the airport no longer has lockers for suitcases. Any suggestions?

Last night I remembered why there’s a good reason why I was staying back in Brisbane longer – to see Mary Poppins Musical! When they first announced that it was coming to Brisbane I was over the moon, and then found out the opening night was January 5, 2012. A bit of a downer, and then a uni friend told me they had extended the tour dates forward, rather than back, which gave me the chance to see it! It was amazing, I love musicals, but this was just, wow. I can’t wait to see musicals over in America – I will be making the most of it! And it also got me excited (again) for working for Disney.

So I think I’m all set and ready, we’re leaving here at about 6:45am, to meet Jen at about 7:45am-8am to check in and hopefully get good seats on the plane. Check in for our Los Angeles to Orlando flight also opens around 6:45am our time on the Wednesday. I’ll jump on at that time to see if it’s opened to check in, if it’s not I’ll give it till 6:50am before I give up and we do it at the airport, haha.

Not much to do now but wait. I’ll try and get a good sleep tonight, because who knows if I will actually sleep tomorrow night. I just want to get there already!

Until next time!~

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