Tuesday 4 October 2011

Something There?

Hello Blog Readers (if there are any)!

A new month already? Wow. Not that I’m complaining – one step closer to leaving! Countdown is at 92 days until I depart Australia, 95 days until I check in and it all becomes a reality! I’ve decided to do another blog post, not because anything has happened yet, but because of the fact that nothing has happened yet. I literally had to read that sentence 5 times to make sure I made some form of sense. You see…I’m a very impatient person. Especially when everyone is getting what I’m waiting for. The questions that enter my head each day: “Today? Will it arrive today? Maybe today?” What am I going on about you say? The Welcome Pack! A lot of people who have received theirs already said there’s not much, but I’m sure I’ll sit there and stare at it for a while, read the ‘Look Book’ several times – basically be the Disney nerd that I am.

This Saturday we’re having another little gathering with Jen, Nadine, Alice and Jessie. This time bowling and Hog’s Breath dinner, perhaps I should start preparing myself for the embarrassment that awaits me. I can’t bowl to save my life. At least it will be amusing I suppose/hope.

Hopefully tomorrow the Welcome Pack will arrive. I’m sick of this waiting game. At least I’ll be home tomorrow to sign for the delivery!

Have a magical afternoon!~

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