Monday 19 September 2011


Long time no see!

So we’re getting closer to October and our welcome pack, in fact apparently they got sent out today (well, when it becomes today over in America)! No paper work or what not has been done since the background check, but I did have a Disney day today. I took the day off work to visit Bond University on the Gold Coast, because Disney was down there having a presentation recruiting mainly for August next year. I went along with Jen who guided me to her University and then we did a little tour – such a nice University, I can see where all their tuition funds go! Then we strolled on over to where the presentation was held, I think we got there early since no one was actually there yet, but it gave us time to talk to Jeni from Disney and a few past participants of the program.

After the presentation we asked numerous of questions and we were informed that our ICP Welcome Packages were being sent out today. One of my questions was about the Character Performer Auditions. Since I was under the impression that we had to audition I was practicing all my animation techniques (well, the small amount of talent that I may possess) and trying to learn at least some dance, but guess what? No auditions! All we do is get on over to a building, the measure our heights to make sure we fit in the height range, get our measurements for costuming (what US size we are I guess?) and do a very small dance routine to determine whether you can go in parades or not! A big weight off my shoulders! I’m fine when it comes to the actual audition stuff, but the lead up I’m full of nerves, so at least I won’t need to go through that. AND I’m just excited that I most likely won’t get over there then get put somewhere else due to poor dancing in an audition, my height doesn’t worry me since I’m fairly tall.

Jen and I then had lunch with one of the past participants, heard some stories that we most likely face whilst on the program – hopefully I can keep my stubbornness to a minimum. And that I don’t become a ‘typical entertainer’ with the attitude…otherwise I’ll lose my roommate (Jen), or so she warned me!

Really enjoyed my day, oh! I also won an ICP pen! I was bummed last time for not getting asked a question, but this time I did and I got a pen since I know my Disney stuff! Currently have a cold, always manage to get one when the seasons here change so drastically. One day, cold and winter-like, the next is 28C and stinking hot. That’s when I get sick. I also saw The Lion King in 3D in cinemas yesterday; needless to say I got goosebumps! Oh! And we’ve got tickets to see Mary Poppins Musical on the 1st Jan 2012; it just snuck in before I leave for America! I’m truly a kid at heart…

Anyway, 110 days until we officially start at WDW, 107 until we leave to go to the US and 5 weeks left of learning material at Uni. I hope these next few months go as fast as the last ones have!

Have a magical afternoon!~

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