Saturday 3 September 2011

One Jump Ahead


So, as you can predict, nothing eventful has occurred. I’m sick of the waiting game – I’m a very impatient person, I just want October to roll on over so I can all my information and shiz, then get on with organising my Visa. What would be really awesome is if they go ‘SURPRISE’ and I magically receive it in the mail this month…but being realistic, that definitely will not happen.

This is just a small blog post to post my excitement that my brother and our family friend/pretty much sister are coming over to America in July next year! Of course, they will be visiting me while they’re over there. I’m sure I’ll have a countdown happening for their arrival to Orlando; it’ll be halfway through my program and most likely the first time seeing my relatives since leaving Australia. A long story short as to why I consider her our sister – I’ve known her from day one, since she was a baby. Our families have been friends since I was around two and her older sister was around 1 or 1 and a half. We’ve all unofficially adopted everyone into the families… Yep. So, hence why I’m excited (already) to see them over there! It's my brother's birthday today so here’s a shout out: HAPPY 18TH LITTLE BROTHER!

This is where I leave you all, I did say it was a short post and pointless…
126 days until I start working for Disney, 123 days until I leave Australia!
Not that I’m counting.

Have a wonderful day!~

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