Monday 8 August 2011

Just Around The River Bend

Evening Everyone,

Again, nothing too eventful has happened since my last blog post. I just wish October would hurry up and come around. I can’t wait to see my Welcome Pack and too feel all official! But now since I sent off my Police Background Check I have to play the waiting game. A game I’m not too good at, I’m a tad impatient.

The total for the PBC was $43, nothing too big. Still, bit expensive to pull up your name to find out how boring I am since I have not broken the law, not even a speeding ticket, and to print it out and send it to you. Guess you’re paying for the poor individual who sits there and finds your record thing. I hope it doesn’t take too long to get back to me. I’m interested to see what they look like, probably nothing too thrilling.

STB is no longer with Disney in organising the ICP groups; from now on we get direct contact from Disney, which kind of makes it more official to me. Meaning, Disney themselves are contacting me, not Disney contacting a company to then contact me. Does that make sense? So far Disney has proven to be very prompt in replying to emails sent by ICPs who have already sent them some questions, so that’s a good start!

Also, Jen and I are thinking of jumping on one of the Disney cruises! I hope that happens when we’re over there, it’s on my wish list and I’ve wanted to go on a cruise for ages, especially if it’s in either the Caribbean or the Bahamas! Crystal clear water with white sand, it’ll look so pretty and would be so peaceful! And hopefully we can get the time off too. I’ll add a link to the Disney Cruise Line website after this too for anyone who may be interested in what I’m on about.

I hope Uni goes by fast. I want to be boarding that plane already! Uni went by fast last semester; hopefully it’ll do the same this semester, especially since it’s my final year/semester. We’ll see. Maybe it’ll go slow since I’m anticipating something.

I’m off, have a good night!~

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