Saturday 28 July 2012

Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride


Last time I posted I hadn’t seen my brother and I had five weeks remaining. I’ve now seen my brother and I have one week remaining – two shifts left.

My last day at the Brave Highland Games went by fast; we closed earlier because of rain. I also received my first GSF (Great Service Fanatic) card on my last day too! Glad to say I at least got one before I left. Ben and Hannah arrived on the 9th, after some hugs we got our room and first thing we did was: laundry. They had no clean clothes left, so off we went and they did their washing. Afterwards we went to Downtown Disney where they got to try Earl of Sandwich (have I said I’m going to miss that place?!) and told Ben to get the Hawaiian BBQ Chicken – he loves his pineapple. We did some brief shopping then headed home, after several stops we finally got home around 12am.

The first park we visited was EPCOT; we secured our fastpasses early for Soarin’ and roamed around Future World waiting for the World Showcase to open at 11am. We started in Mexico and made our way around there – their first character they met at Disney was Mulan over in China. We finished the World Showcase very quickly and had heaps of times to do some random rides – like Journey into Imagination. We rode Soarin’ which I think they enjoyed, I was so happy we got the front row! I think Ben didn’t think it’d be as good as it was. I showed them where I sometimes work at The Land (Garden Grill) and we went over to The Seas to ride Nemo and let Hannah see her sea animals. After Ben ran our shopping items back to the hotel we went on Mission: Space (Orange) which is the more intense version of the ride. After finding there was vomit in the one we were meant to go in, we waited for them to clean it/for the next round to get on. I think they enjoyed that ride. We headed back the hotel for a break then came back to watch Illuminations, and that was our EPCOT day short and sweet.

Animal Kingdom was the next stop of our four parks in four days. I think Hannah was a bit excited, she loves animals a tad too much. We saw Finding Nemo the Musical, rode Prime Evil Whirl, walked around for bit, we had previously gotten fastpasses for Expedition Everest, but of course it stormed when they were due to be used, so we got fastpasses for Dinosaur, decided to line up since it was raining, went on that, got another fastpass for Expedition Everest, saw The Festival of the Lion King, went back to ride Dinosaur again – which might I saw in all the times riding that ride never has the T-Rex right at the end before you leave the meteor shower popped out, so I never knew it was there, of course it pops on out when we’re in the front row. I’m sure you could hear Hannah’s and my screams from the otherside of the park. Finally we got to ride Expedition Everest and I actually found the Yeti for once! We then went around looking at the animals and departed the park before the next storm came.

Next: Hollywood Studios. A small park, we were done with it very early, no surprise there. But Hannah found one of her favourite rides: Tower of Terror. And I think Ben’s was Rockin’ Roller Coaster (for Disney anyway). We saw Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular, ate lunch at Pizza Planet just for Ben, went on Star Tours a couple of times where Hannah ended up being the spy, I think she loved being the spy. We saw the 10:30pm showing of Fantasmic, my favourite nighttime show, I hoped they liked it too.

Our final Disney park day was at Magic Kingdom where Hannah found her favourite ride: Space Mountain. We went on Big Thunder Mountain first, Splash Mountain was down for a while so we had to get a second fastpass for that ride, when we were doing that guess who I saw over at the exit? Woody and Jessie! So of course I grabbed Ben (who I swear was excited, just didn’t show it) and we waited in line. Ben finally got to meet characters from one of his favourite Disney films, I even told Woody he was Ben’s favourite, just so he would give him a hug hehe. We went on most the rides: Pirates of the Caribbean, Dumbo, Barnstormer, PhilharMagic, A Small World, Haunted Mansion, Carousel of Progress (I think they loved this one), People Mover, Laugh Floor. We went back to the hotel to rest up for the night and headed back around 6. We had gotten fastpasses for Space Mountain before we left so we jumped on there again, went on Buzz Lightyear’s Ranger Spin then headed on over to meet Minnie and Mickey, neither Ben or Hannah had ever met them before! It was then dinner time, followed by the Magic, Memories and You, Wishes and the Main Street’s Electrical Parade. T’was a long day.

The 14th, Saturday, was our ‘resting day’ saving our energy for Universal. We slept in and headed over to the Premium Outlets near my housing complex. Once we had finished we walked on over to my apartment to see what I have been living in for the past 7 months. Hannah felt how hard my bed was and I think understands my pain and why I was excited to sleep in a comfy bed at the hotel. When we got back to the hotel Ben read while Hannah and I went to the pool for a bit and that night we went back to Downtown Disney to get a few more items and have dinner once again at Earl of Sandwich.

Universal! I was so excited to go here. ($40 cab ride there, $40 cab ride back – a tad expensive) We hauled ass over to Harry Potter World. There was no way we would be starting anywhere else! I think the grin did not leave my face when we were at Harry Potter World. We rode the Dragon Challenge and then lined up for the Forbidden Journey. Umm. So my eyes were closed for majority of that ride. I survived the dragon part, but once I saw the spiders start my eyes were shut. Thank goodness since I think I would have died if I saw Aragog pop up in front of me. Opened my eyes and we were at the Quddich pitch and what comes along? Dementors. Okay, fine I can do this, yeah up until one popped up right in front of me, eyes closed again. Opened them after Harry sent them away which was pretty much the end of the ride. I bought myself a Gryffindor scarf at the exit (not cheap!) and we made our way out of Potter’s World and into Jurassic Park. We rode (okay I forget the name of the ride) but it’s a boat ride where you get wet. Then continued to make our way over to the Incredible Hulk, 40 minutes later we were hopping into the ride getting ready to scream. I was not expecting to be launched off, so that surprised me, but it was by far the best roller coaster I have ever been on! Afterwards we jumped on Doom’s Fear Fall, yes screams from Amy, and then headed back to Harry Potter to eat lunch at the Three Broom Sticks! Fish and Chips were for lunch with a good old Butterbeer! The drink is AMAZING. So good, yet very filling. We did some shopping – I got myself a chocolate frog, some Berty Botts Every Flavour Beans, then we lined up to visit Olivanders when it started to rain – only lightly at this stage. We got in and I could help but look around, it was great. They chose a kid from the crowd to see which wand chose him and then headed into the store to select our wands. I got Hermione’s, Hannah got Fleur’s and Ben got Sirius Black’s. I also bought a quill whilst I was there. When we got out it was pouring rain. Thunder, lightening, everything. Drenched we were once we got to the exit and to get a taxi. Now our taxi driver – Joseph – was interesting. He definitely made us laugh. He had the funniest laugh and kept joking around, he then learnt I worked for Disney, on came more humour. His favourite thing to joke about was Florida drivers/tourist drivers. We all were chuckling in the back, he said we would remember him and I’m sure we will he was definitely entertaining.

Monday 16, the last day we had together on our holiday. We spent the time relaxing, lucky too since Ben caught a fever – I think it was from walking through the downpour the previous day. We were going to go to Downtown Disney to see The Amazing Spider-Man, but we got down and Ben was burning up. He was keen to go but the bus was taking forever so we went back up. It was a relaxing day, they packed their bags, and we got lunch and dinner from downstairs and then got to bed nice and early.

Tuesday they left, I thought I would be okay saying good-bye, I’d be seeing them in two and a half weeks. Nope, I hugged them both and turned to my brother and balled. I think I was upset that I wasn’t going home with them. Luckily no one was on my bus back to the apartment, because those tears were not stopping. I got back, dumped my bags and headed over to the welcome party at Chatham – my cultural event I had to attend. Afterwards I walked to The Commons to talk about me leaving, I had to go to my manager to tell him and I have to self term, they wouldn’t let me change my program end date.

Wednesday the 18th I called in, I was moping and wanted to go home. T’was not too cheerful that day. Thursday I had to get my butt to work, as it had been 10 days in a row without working. Crystal Palace 12pm-10pm and it was not a bad night afterall. Friday I had off, and then Saturday I was back at Crystal Palace for the last time 7am-6pm. Again, another good shift thank goodness. I got to hula hoop with my good friend Eeyore – it actually fit around him! Though there was not much space for it to move…  Sunday was another day off, and then Monday came around to begin my week as a Spare. I was pulled to Town Square Flagpole – I was very happy that I got to do my favourite shift before I left! Tuesday, another day off, then Wednesday-Friday Spare 6am-3:30pm once again. Every day I was pulled to do Polynesian Breakfast at the resort. Which I don’t mind, it’s probably my favourite breakfast dining shift, but three days in a row? No change to hang out with my friends TweedleDee and Tweedle Dum before I left, oh well. I’m now finished with working at the Magic Kingdom! Actually made me a little sad, my favourite park and all, but I’m now one week off to going home.

Tomorrow I’m going to see Dark Knight Rises with Mydni, we’re going to celebrate and go to Fork and Screen. I also discovered not everything is going to fit in the bags I have now… I’ve bought too much stuff! So I have to head out and buy a new suitcase, hopefully it’s reasonable prices here. Sunday I’m a Spare at the Animal Kingdom, which means if I am not pulled I’ll probably be hanging out with Brer Fox or Rafiki I’d assume. My last shift is Wednesday night, Character Spot, which is funny since that was my first shift out of training. Nice to end my program at the same place it started.

Anyway that’s all for now! Hopefully I’ll get around to writing before I depart if not… I’ll write when I get back home.

Sunday 1 July 2012

Seize The Day

Hello Hello,

It’s been a while, but the schedules I’ve been having, nothing at work has been exciting. I mean you get the moments that make you smile. For example I met my first Australian guests the other week, when I told them this, the mum gave me a hug. It was slightly awkward, but it made me smile anyway – they were as close as I could get to home, they live just north of Brisbane of all places. Also, I was at the playground where we stand and make sure everything is safe – Disney is big in safety – and I notice a little girl leave without any parents. I watched her go to their stroller looking around with a worried look on her face – she would have been about 5. I asked if she had lost her parents, in which she told me yes. I pointed over at the shaded areas along the perimeter of the playground where there’s seats for the parents, and said that they may be in there. Alas they were when she went to look. But that wasn’t it, it was when they were leaving the playground the girl stopped, holding her mum’s hand, and said ‘thank you very much for helping me find my parents’. The mum goes ‘what are you on about?’ Obviously had no idea her daughter had panicked a bit trying to find them. I told the mum that she had been a bit lost and upset as she couldn’t find them, I pointed out where they may be. I got another thank you from the mum and they were off. It’s not much, but in America manners are somewhat ignored here. So when you get kids thanking you, it’s sort of special.

Besides working at the Brave Highland Games every working day, on my days off I’ve been shopping and last week I saw La Nouba finally with Alex, one of my roommates. It was amazing, I mean it’s Cirque du Soliel need I say anything else? I recommend it to anyone. I’ve missed two of my good friends back home’s birthdays – Emily and Lauren – Happy Birthday girls! They have to be patient as I have their presents with me. I wasn’t too comfortable sending them home, so they must wait. Brave came out on the 22nd in America, I managed to get free tickets! Thanks to working at the Brave Highland Games, so there was a good thing that came out of it. I saw it on Monday the 25th, loved it. I actually want to see it again, but I cannot see me having any time in this next month to do so, but that’s okay.

Ben and Hannah left for America on Tuesday, they’re now in the same country as me, it’s made me a little more homesick actually. I think it’s because they’re so much closer, yet I still can’t see them. Thankfully, however, I only have 9 sleeps and 8 days left until I go on my mini holiday with them. Cannot wait to sleep in a comfortable bed, it’s been 6 months and I still haven’t gotten used to this bed, it’s very uncomfortable. And it’s the Beach Club resort, so we’re definitely getting comfy beds.

I walked to Publix yesterday for the first time. It’s really not that long of a walk, but unfortunately security gave me a broken cart, so it weaved side to side too often that it got annoying very quickly. Publix also has some great deals, a lot of ‘buy one get one free’ deals. Today’s Jen’s birthday and we went to Chef Mickey’s for breakfast; it was nice to be a guest there rather than working there for once. Mickey seemed to know me very well, so that was fun to hang out with him for a bit and get some photos. I would post photos, but I forgot my camera so they’re all on Jen’s camera.

Tomorrow I’m back at; you guessed it, the Brave Highland Games. As I said last post, I’m stuck here till it ends on July 8, though I have yet to find out whether I’m working the last day, that I find out tomorrow with the new schedule. Then it’s the 9th, which means Ben and Hannah are here! I have just under 5 weeks (it was 5 weeks yesterday) until I go home. I’m very excited to go home and earn some actual money! Sorry America, but your pay checks are nowhere near satisfying.

That’s all for now, just thought I’d do an update before it all gets backed up to one huge post, because I’m sure my post about the holiday I will have with Ben and Hannah will be a long post.
Until then!