Sunday 3 June 2012

With A Smile And A Song


Again, since my last entry not a lot has happened. Work continues on as usual, majority of my time is with my good friend Pluto and at least once a week lately I’m with the depressed donkey: Eeyore. Honestly I haven’t been minding my last few shifts at Crystal Palace, and oddly enough they’ve been the 11.5 hour shifts rather than the 7 hours. I’ve finally made it to June, and with June brought the departure of many Americans and Australians, so our apartment complexes are a little empty at the moment. I’m sure that’ll change very quickly.

Wednesday the 23rd I went to see Fantasmic with Brittany, who I hadn’t seen for a while, so it was nice to catch up again. That’s probably the most exciting thing that’s happened for the past two weeks. I’ve been working at Chef Mickey’s a lot this past week, which was both nice and repetitive, next week however I get a bit more of a variety. Monday June 4 I’m at Chef Mickey’s, okay besides that day, Wednesday I had a spare shift at DAK, I’m hoping I’ll get to befriend someone new – fingers crossed. 7th and the 8th is Crystal Palace, short shifts so it shouldn’t be too bad. It also gives me the opportunity to visit Cast Connections. Saturday June 9 I’m a spare at MK, hopefully that shift I might get to see my friends TweedleDee and TweedleDum. And the other day before I left for work I got a phone call to let me know in the new schedule I’d be working at the Brave Event that’s currently happening at EPCOT. I’m excited to be out and about in the park, to be able to converse with guests by actually using words and not getting fired for it. I saw the costume for it, nothing too exciting: black shorts, white shirt and a green ‘Scottish’ sash.

I hit the 9 week mark yesterday, it’s going by very quickly now, but I’m still looking forward to going home. It’s kind of scary having my life put on hold back home, whilst everyone else’s is moving forward. It’s getting very close to my brother visiting, I cannot wait to vacation with him and Hannah – and to stay at the Beach Club Resort AND finally get to drink a Butterbeer from Harry Potter World at Universal. Let’s hope my new schedule will be interesting and fun, those types of weeks go by quickly.

That’s all for now, nothing too eventful, I’m trying to save to send my Mary Poppins umbrellas home, and for when Ben and Hannah come, oh and for the shopping spree Alex and I have planned. Sometime this month we’re also going to see Cirque du Soleil before the 50% runs out, so I have that to also look forward to.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Amy :)
    My names Abbie from NZ I've been accepted into the ICP for January next year :D
    I've been accepted for roles in merchandise and operations, but i think i might audition for character performer when i get there cause that was kinda my first choice :). Was just wondering how tall are you? haha odd question I know. Seems like your having an amazing time!
