Tuesday 20 December 2011

Travel Plans, Flights and Packing

Hullo Readers!

I was talking to Jen just before about when we’re going to meet each other at the airport, where, how many bags we’re taking, and what we’re taking on the plane with us. Which got me wanting to make a blog post about it all, sounds silly and pointless, but it’ll get it off my mind. And who knows, it may help someone somewhere.

To begin: As we have an international flight (obviously) we have to be at the airport and checked in at least two hours before the departure time. One hour before the flight departs, there’s an announcement which asks travellers to go down the next level to go through security. This is where we will be leaving our friends and family as they can’t come down with us. So, it will be a teary moment I’m sure. We’re meeting each other at 8am, saying 7:45am to parents etc since I don’t want to be stuck in traffic and dad likes to take his time getting ready to leave – it’s true daddy, we just take it into our plans now, haha. Anyway, arriving at that time allows us to check in and hopefully chose the seats we want, and to allow my predicable anxious self enough time. I like to be early. And when it comes to flights, ridiculously early. This is at the Brisbane International Airport; it’s slightly different to Sydney International, but pretty much the same time allotments.

On my travels I’m taking a handbag, it’s large enough to fit my laptop, Amazon Kindle, iPod, important documents – oh and socks! Long flights with the air conditioning on get chilly. Then onboard I’ll be taking a cabin sized suitcase that’ll go into the overhead locker. I’ll just be putting my wool coat and boots in I think, my coat will definitely be warm enough for LA and boots are just in case – plus saves room in my big suitcase. I’ll be wearing leggings, loose dress and taking a cardigan so I’ll be comfortable for the flight. Maybe this time round I’ll be able to sleep on the plane. Last time, when I went to London, I only dosed off a few times. I couldn’t sleep because I was cold and my head kept slipping of the head rest thing, haha. I’m getting a neck pillow for Christmas – boosting my chances of sleep! I got really bad jet lag last time and I think a lot had to do with not much sleep. First night in London my brother and I were asleep by 6:30pm!

Brisbane International Airport is boring. On the departures level there’s food, but crap quality. I’ve learnt not to eat anywhere there. I’m wondering how long it will take Jen and I to get through customs at LAX, I heard that it can literally take hours, but then again ICPs (International College Program students) who have already gone over to America haven’t had trouble getting through. Fingers crossed it’s the same for us!

Okay, so packing. Again, this won’t be interesting for those who are just reading for whatever reason, but it may help current and future ICPs. And I guess if I’ve missed anything important someone may be kind enough to comment! I’ve split it into categories of Handbag, Cabin Bag and Suitcase.

      Passport (which includes Visa)
      Disney Documents (Receipts, On-Boarding Documents etc)
      Documents for Entering America (DS-2019, I-94, Certificate of Insurance)
      Wallet (Travel Card, Debit Card, ID Card)
      STA Travel Vouchers (Accommodation, Transfer)
      STA Travel Itinerary
      Travel Diary
      Amazon Kindle
      Phone (with international sim card)
      Maps (LAX – I’ll get lost, Orlando, LA)
      Pain Killers (in case of headache)
      Make Up (If I don’t get sleep, I will look more like hell)

Cabin Bag
      Wool Coat
      What can’t fit in my suitcase…

      Clothes (not many, it’s cheap to buy pretty much a new wardrobe)
      Chargers (Phone, Laptop, Camera, iPod, Kindle)
      Powerpoint Converters
      External Hard-drive
      Hair Straightener? (Still deciding to take one since I’ll be buying one eventually over there)
      Traditions Clothing & Shoes
      Heels (My plain black ones are the most comfy heels known to humans)

My actual list is two pages, where I have typed out exactly what clothes I’m taking etc. Yes, I can be OCD.

That covers this post. It’s almost Christmas and there is still a few more presents to buy! We’ll be finishing that off tomorrow. For now we sit at 14 days, 15 sleeps.

Have a great night/day, and until next time!~

Sunday 11 December 2011

Almost There


Now, I haven’t neglected the blog, I don’t plan on ever doing that – especially seeing as my family will have the link when I leave so they can see what I’ve been up to and therefore I won’t have to repeat myself. Much. There hasn’t been anything happening concerning the Disney front, I’ve received one email about choosing education classes last week (or maybe it was this week?) but that was information I already knew since I had already selected my class that I’ll be attending whilst there. I can’t remember if I mention in the last blog post what class I chose, but it’s one of the Exploration Series, which is a no assignments/exams class – perfect, I didn’t want to ever see an exam ever again. I chose the Exploring Disney Heritage class, which will be on Tuesdays at 4pm, I think, over in Chatham Square. Oh, and in that last email my job title changed. I’m pretty sure Attractions and Operations are the same thing. Unless attractions cut out parking etc? But instead of my job title being Character Performer/Operations, it’s Character Performer/Attractions. Nothing major, well at least I doubt it is. I guess I’ll find out when the time comes to switch positions.

I finished my last day of work in Australia (at least until I get back) on Friday (9th) best feeling ever! I came home and threw out my work shoes seeing as they had long past their use by date (they had holes in the bottom of them). Now I’m free to relax and be lazy for the next 3 and a bit weeks! Mum finishes for her Christmas break on Wednesday, so I won’t be home alone for most of it.

Whenever I think about the fact that January is the next month, which means I’ll be in America, I freak out a tad. And when we set up the Christmas tree mum pointed out I won’t be here to do that next year. First time in like 18 years (I doubt I helped when I was 1 or 2… ) they will definitely miss me and my bossy ways of telling my brother where to place things on the tree…

Our Christmas Tree

Not much left to do now! I’ve got majority of stuff from my ‘need to buy before I leave’ list. Others I think I’m getting for Christmas. Not too sure, will have to work that one out I guess. And I’ve saved up as much as I can. So I’m pretty much set to go!

I doubt there will be anything concerning Disney before I leave, maybe a last email from Disney just re-sending start dates and stuff. 24 days until I leave and 27 until check in! Not long now.

Until next time!~